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Spring Education Group Students Celebrate Earth Day 2024

Over 130 Spring Education Group schools across America celebrated Earth Day this year by releasing thousands of ladybugs into their schoolyards, planting gardens, participating in community clean-up projects, making bird feeders, and more!

Through hands-on activities, our students learn how they have a role in preserving our planet. Earth Day is a special time when they put this knowledge into action, making positive changes in their communities.

Once again, our most popular Earth Day event was the ladybug release. Our students were tickled with excitement and ladybug legs as they released these helpful insects into their schoolyards. Leading up to Earth Day, students learned how ladybugs are beneficial to the environment as they eat insects that can harm local vegetation. Spring Education Group is honored to have a hand in cultivating young environmentalists and empowering children with the knowledge that they can make a difference.

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